Has it ever been on the ride status page? It's not something that's sometimes not available, like a ride, so there might not be a need for it to be on there.
As you say, it's on the map still I'm sure it's still around.
So as yet another NEW ride is coming in at GYPB ( ok yes it's a replacement for the pirate ship so one in and one out) yet that's two new rides still for 2024 and a potential 3rd in the place of where the ship once was...
Doesn't take long for the comments to start....
Words fail me as to how loopings don't seem to understand that this is exactly how the park is seen by locals in it's immediate area...
You could also argue that Polar Express is just the replacement for Mulan that left a few years back.
It's weird that they're removing their ship to replace it with another, and even weirder that it's going down the south end of the park. They need to put a major ride down there (ideally a coaster), these small new rides are wasted down there as I genuinely haven't seen that area of the park busy since the 1990's.
Yeah agree on both counts yet at least stuff gets replaced... all we have had for a decade is removals and more SBNO.......my main point is this is why many travel the 15 mins extra North and go to GYPB in the local community and just that screenshot of comments shows it...
loopings probably do understand but as they have the park for tax purposes they don't really care anymore. Although the park has been doing a lot of stuff recently there's no point adding more rides when they an barely deal with the ones they've got which is why they get in such a state and neglected most of the time.
As enthusiasts we like to see things getting cleaned, painted etc yet they really need to stop allowing comments on official posts because its just relentless and never ending... ( admittedly the first guy has misunderstood the post and video)
Nice map, so the egg-coaster is a thrill ride now?They really over hyped the 'new ride experience' on MM if it really is just a new paint job an entrance, (it's the log flume all over again), but it's interesting that they have copied the log flume entrance. Should look nice.
it's a shame they didn't change the name, not sure what this 'new experience' is meant to be then, or did they just dump that idea and just repaint it?
Just a cheap way/gimmick to please geeks and enthusiats that there IS actually something new when like the log flume it's a half hearted re paint with some wood chucked on it in places, maybe some sound
One thing that I've always found interesting with these ride refurbishments that they're doing, is the projects that get done, aren't necessarily the ones that I'd put as a top priority.
Obviously this all started with the Rattlesnake, which definitely was a top priority. Last year was clearly a low budget year, with just the small additions to the Ponies and Safari, but they still did a great job bringing both of those rides up a level.
But go back to when Timber Falls got worked on, I thought it was in an alright condition really. Yeah WFF looks better, but at the time there was a lot more around the park in a much worse condition that TF.
And now it's kind of the same with Marbe Madness (and Tidal Wave). Yeah MM's paint was starting to look a little worse for wear, and it is now going to look fantastic. That area is now going to look so amazing and full of life.
But what's happened to MM is exactly what Cannonball has needed for many, many years now. OK it also needs the addition of an extra train, which obviously costs a lot. I'm just hoping that the additional costs for a Cannonball refurb has meant they've got to wait a while longer yet.
And then there's Jolly Roger. Like Cannonball, it's needed to be worked on aesthetically for a long while now, and as each year passes, with no work done, I fear for the future of both of these rides really.
I'm also sure that the money spent on MM this year could have been spent on a new ride instead. Which surely would have had a bigger impact on the park than a refurb for MM.
But maybe there is a new ride coming as well, who knows. I'm still pinning my hopes on the Rapids from WMSP turning up. Would make for an incredible year if they did.
Ultimately, they'remaking improvements to the park that I never thought we would ever see at PWH. There's so much theming and detailing being added around the park. But as each area they improve looks really good, the bad areas look even worse.
Fingers crossed that with Tidal Wave being refurbished, the dive show will also be demolished. And with MM becoming brand new again, hopefully the Hyper Drive plot will be sorted out.
Either way, I'm waffling and have no idea where I'm going with this now LOL
I just love the fact that we're able to speculate on things going on at PWH.
The refurbs are great, long overdue yet what about all the other eye sores and sbno areas?
Joe public won't care for any refurbs as it won't bring people in as they are still exactly the same ride.
It may enhance some people's experience yet NEW rides, shows and attractions are what will propel the place moving forward, yet anything NEW for 2024 ?
But they've done so much work around the park now, it's soon going to be almost unrecognisable.
If someone last visited in 2018, where I believe that park was at it's lowest point (with the SBNO Rattlesnake), and then visited again this year, the difference in their experience would be huge.
Since then they've added the farmyard area, with massive improvements made to the Dodgems and Rattlesnake. A fully refurbed log flume, Tidal Wave and Marble Madness, with theming added to the Sea Lion amphitheatre. Smaller refurbs made to the Safari, Moby Dick, park entrance, Cub House, Ponies, Woody's flying school and BOTH trains. Themed catering outlets AND toilets in the pirate and farmyard areas, as well as the addition of atmospheric audio across most of the park.
The latter we have never had at PWH before, it's always been a nice enough park with plain rides, now it's about the themed experience, and the little details which can go a long way to making your better.
Yeah there are still a few eye sores and empty plots around the park, but if they carry on with what their doing, I'm sure they'll get filled up eventually.
I jusy prey that Cannonball and Jolly Roger are both in the long term plans for the park.
I think the refubs go alone way to vistor satisfaction, Gotta keep what you've got in good shape before adding even more. All theses refurds does mean there wont be a new ride this year but i don't care anymore lol I reckon the circus will be back, might be is last year as it'll be the 3rd in row.
I know a lot of us said that they should have given PWH Pandemonium when it was removed from Drayton, but after talking to some people at DM, they said that it was in an awful state and not worth keeping hold of.
These Rapids would just be so perfect for little PWH, I really really hope that this hasn't been another oversight from the people up at Loopings. The likes of Drayton, Bagatelle, Fort Fun and Hellendoorn all have their own rapids ride, so they wouldn't get moved to those parks.
If Loopings have just sold them instead, I'd be so disappointed, and I'd honestly feel a little concerned at what the future holds for PWH. If they can't get a small freebie from another park in the chain, what hope is there for the park ever getting anything new?!
We don't know for sure...yet I do know that a former senior team member did inform me last year "they simply won't invest"
Suffolk have probably given up asking now, when the park posted about the maintenance job this morning the same comments again and again...most were swiftly removed....
Well what you were told last year does kind of confirm that.
The fact that Loopings told PWH to install Hyper Drive shows how much control they have over the park.
But in their defence, they are still investing money each year, and this refurb of Marble Madness is not going to be cheap, with no real financial benefit for the park.
Yeah it would yet never gonna happen. There is nothing new coming for 2024 at least ( 10th consecutive season) as we know.
A good opportunity for a maintenance position has been advertised this morning yet the link contains no information on it and drayton has been spelt wrong as a benefit.
I've been wondering about if Marble is going to come back this year with more than three cars. Queues really ramp up during the summer when only three in operation but the cynic in me says this is intentional as queues make people's days last longer at PWH!
I agree on both parts tbh. But whilst the queue can get long, the full queue line is only around 20 minutes, so it's not much really.
They do have 4 cars (possibly still 5), but only choose to run it with 3. But like I said, it's not really a problem as a 20 minute wait isn't much. I'd rather see them put more boats on the flume and carts on RTTT.
I'm half wondering with now the log flume also having work done that could we be looking at a potential sale of the park at the end of this year or is this a case of getting stuff sorted then perhaps maybe actually getting something NEW
The situation regarding the train is an interesting one. I do love it, and it brings an weirdly unique feature to the park. However it is very old now, and in quite poor condition, so I wouldn't blame them for removing it.
The cheapest and quickest fix to that current area would be to smarten up the old platform, add some planters, tables and chairs, and repaint the exterior of the train to make it look like a classic carriage again. I'd like to hope that something like that would be on the cards for next year.
Also, going one step further - there's a decently themed scare maze inside that train, why don't they keep it open all year as creepy walk through attraction? No actors, just add in a few mechanical scares, like air cannons and some moving props. No need to staff it either. It's like 80% there, so spend a little on the further 20% and then there's an additional attraction to add to the map.
Yeah it would be possible, but I wouldn't see the point in moving those tbh. There's nothing wrong with where they are, and the Hyper Drive plot doesn't even need a ride on it. Its already a ride-heavy area, it just should be landscaped to looked nicer IMO.
I dont think there's a need for 2 walk-thru's, especially as they'd both be scare themed. And if I was to chose one to be open all year, I'd definitely go for the train maze. The maze under the castle van be hidden well enough, but the train is there for all to see. Plus calling it "Ghost Train" would be a neat little twist.
So many parks all over the world have little walk-thru's that aren't staffed at all. They have automated traffic lights at the start to let people know when they can enter, and then the attraction just has sensors all over ready to set all the scares off.
Now the train is fully exposed again, it would be great to see something like this happen, and I believe it would be well within the small budget the park gets.
Plus it could still be kept as a scare maze for Halloween, with the addition of actors.
Trouble is The hills aren't very good at keeping 'dark' rides or attaraction maintaned. So anything is moving parts or sensors would just be a problimatic. We just have to remember Tales of the caost and hobs pit that just got neglected, and even the new target trail the scoring systems seems to keep breaking As they got rid if the tea rooms a while back they could re=open inside the the train, as it was once used as a food place one before i shouldn't be too hard to do, and theres normally some kind of ice cream kiosk around that aera which could be moved onto the hardstand as well.. i agree they don't need a ride there.
I dont think we should underestimate the size of this project. How many times in PWH history has a coaster been completely dismantled, removed from the park, refurbished and rebuilt?
Again, I wouldn't have put MM at the top of the 'must improve' list, but I won't complain either.
Although with each passing year that Cannonball and Jolly don't get improved, I do fear more and more for their future at the park. They're the two best rides (IMO) by a long shot, I really hope they're hear for the long term.
I didn't think of the sea air thing, that's a good point. Although Wipeout surely even more exposed, yet the track looks fine in comparison. I'd probably put it more down to the materials used for the original repaint.
A much needed refurbishment yet same old comments given... this is nothing new to bring people in. Its work that should always be getting done in closed seasons.
Advertising this as new is simply false , I mean yes we may see an improvement to the harsh braking system yet the ride will still be exactly the same.
I'm pleased it's being done, yet unless your a theme park fan/geek this means nothing to Joe public, who quite simply want more rides and NEW stuff as per the latest comments
NEW attractions and rides are needed as well as some serious tidying up across many areas
We know there is almost definitely no chance of anything new for 2024.
If you already know that we're not getting anything new next year, then surely a major refurbishment of a coaster is good news?!
They haven't quite advertised as new have they? They said "new experience", which they're well within their rights to do if the experience of the ride changes. From looking at the pictures, the whole station and queue line area has been totally demolished, so it really could look totally different next year.
Yes mate I already said I welcome the news, it ( along with other rides and areas) are in an terrible state so it's much needed yet you know as well as I do it's stuff that doesn't need to be shouted about ( and I include merlin and other operators here too ) but for now it's good news
Finally some news coming out of the park. Fantastic news at that as it is certainly looking worn. Hopefully, will put the same effort that has gone into the other refurbed attractions. Hopefully some theming around the track like tunnels will be added too.
They do mention 'new experience', so I'd like to hope that it will feature a few nice theming elements. The frame design of the rides supports should help with adding tunnels!
If you closely at one of the pictures, the entire station and queue line has all been demolished!
I've just noticed that the Pleasurewood Hills website no longer lists the "Birds of Paradise" show on the Ride Status page. The webpage also goes nowhere: www.pleasurewoodhills.com/attraction-details/birds-of-paradise
Possibly just a glitch with the website, as it is still listed on the new map.
I am waiting on an official answer from the park...
So as yet another NEW ride is coming in at GYPB ( ok yes it's a replacement for the pirate ship so one in and one out) yet that's two new rides still for 2024 and a potential 3rd in the place of where the ship once was...
Doesn't take long for the comments to start....
Words fail me as to how loopings don't seem to understand that this is exactly how the park is seen by locals in it's immediate area...
As enthusiasts we like to see things getting cleaned, painted etc yet they really need to stop allowing comments on official posts because its just relentless and never ending... ( admittedly the first guy has misunderstood the post and video)
I have to say, I'm in love with this new park map design. Dare I say it's the best map the park has ever had? It's a thing of beauty.
The 2024 Pleasurewood Hills leaflet is now out there...
It confirms a few things;
Firstly, despite the revamp, Marble Madness will keep the same name this season.
No sign of anything new. At least not for the start of the season.
It looks like the park have beefed-up the events for this season.
One thing that I've always found interesting with these ride refurbishments that they're doing, is the projects that get done, aren't necessarily the ones that I'd put as a top priority.
Obviously this all started with the Rattlesnake, which definitely was a top priority. Last year was clearly a low budget year, with just the small additions to the Ponies and Safari, but they still did a great job bringing both of those rides up a level.
But go back to when Timber Falls got worked on, I thought it was in an alright condition really. Yeah WFF looks better, but at the time there was a lot more around the park in a much worse condition that TF.
And now it's kind of the same with Marbe Madness (and Tidal Wave). Yeah MM's paint was starting to look a little worse for wear, and it is now going to look fantastic. That area is now going to look so amazing and full of life.
But what's happened to MM is exactly what Cannonball has needed for many, many years now. OK it also needs the addition of an extra train, which obviously costs a lot. I'm just hoping that the additional costs for a Cannonball refurb has meant they've got to wait a while longer yet.
And then there's Jolly Roger. Like Cannonball, it's needed to be worked on aesthetically for a long while now, and as each year passes, with no work done, I fear for the future of both of these rides really.
I'm also sure that the money spent on MM this year could have been spent on a new ride instead. Which surely would have had a bigger impact on the park than a refurb for MM.
But maybe there is a new ride coming as well, who knows. I'm still pinning my hopes on the Rapids from WMSP turning up. Would make for an incredible year if they did.
Ultimately, they'remaking improvements to the park that I never thought we would ever see at PWH. There's so much theming and detailing being added around the park. But as each area they improve looks really good, the bad areas look even worse.
Fingers crossed that with Tidal Wave being refurbished, the dive show will also be demolished. And with MM becoming brand new again, hopefully the Hyper Drive plot will be sorted out.
Either way, I'm waffling and have no idea where I'm going with this now LOL
I just love the fact that we're able to speculate on things going on at PWH.
Toilets by the Pirate Ship are getting a major overhaul. They're spending some serious money on the park this year!
It's interesting that they've gone for the wood effect on the cars. I can only assume it will have a name change as well!
I must say MM is looking very good indeed! It really has had the full works done. Everything on it is shiney and new!
So the colour I saw is indeed the colour!
I know a lot of us said that they should have given PWH Pandemonium when it was removed from Drayton, but after talking to some people at DM, they said that it was in an awful state and not worth keeping hold of.
These Rapids would just be so perfect for little PWH, I really really hope that this hasn't been another oversight from the people up at Loopings. The likes of Drayton, Bagatelle, Fort Fun and Hellendoorn all have their own rapids ride, so they wouldn't get moved to those parks.
If Loopings have just sold them instead, I'd be so disappointed, and I'd honestly feel a little concerned at what the future holds for PWH. If they can't get a small freebie from another park in the chain, what hope is there for the park ever getting anything new?!
Just read that WMSP have removed their portable Reverchon Rapids ride.... would be such a perfect fit for PWH 🤞
So in other words, nothing
I'm half wondering with now the log flume also having work done that could we be looking at a potential sale of the park at the end of this year or is this a case of getting stuff sorted then perhaps maybe actually getting something NEW
At least tidal wave is actually getting washed... oddly jolly Roger is still standing... mind you thorpe park don't take detonator down
The situation regarding the train is an interesting one. I do love it, and it brings an weirdly unique feature to the park. However it is very old now, and in quite poor condition, so I wouldn't blame them for removing it.
The cheapest and quickest fix to that current area would be to smarten up the old platform, add some planters, tables and chairs, and repaint the exterior of the train to make it look like a classic carriage again. I'd like to hope that something like that would be on the cards for next year.
Also, going one step further - there's a decently themed scare maze inside that train, why don't they keep it open all year as creepy walk through attraction? No actors, just add in a few mechanical scares, like air cannons and some moving props. No need to staff it either. It's like 80% there, so spend a little on the further 20% and then there's an additional attraction to add to the map.
I dont think we should underestimate the size of this project. How many times in PWH history has a coaster been completely dismantled, removed from the park, refurbished and rebuilt?
Again, I wouldn't have put MM at the top of the 'must improve' list, but I won't complain either.
Although with each passing year that Cannonball and Jolly don't get improved, I do fear more and more for their future at the park. They're the two best rides (IMO) by a long shot, I really hope they're hear for the long term.
MM doesn't seem that old to want such a refurb. I wonder if they'll use the spinning cars for their 'new experience'? or put up some dark tunnles.
A much needed refurbishment yet same old comments given... this is nothing new to bring people in. Its work that should always be getting done in closed seasons.
Advertising this as new is simply false , I mean yes we may see an improvement to the harsh braking system yet the ride will still be exactly the same.
I'm pleased it's being done, yet unless your a theme park fan/geek this means nothing to Joe public, who quite simply want more rides and NEW stuff as per the latest comments
NEW attractions and rides are needed as well as some serious tidying up across many areas
We know there is almost definitely no chance of anything new for 2024.
Finally some news coming out of the park. Fantastic news at that as it is certainly looking worn. Hopefully, will put the same effort that has gone into the other refurbed attractions. Hopefully some theming around the track like tunnels will be added too.